Home DC-3 80th Anniversary

Douglas DC-3 C-47 80th Anniversary


"GRAND OLD LADY" The DC-3 Dakota



The 80th Anniversray of the first flight of the Douglas DC-3 was celebrated in South Africa with two separate functions. One for civilian DC-3s at Rand Aiport in Johannesburg and one for Air Force DC-3s at Ysterplaat Air Force Base in Cape Town.

Two reports follow, the Rand Airport function by John Austin-Williams and the Ysterplaat function by Dean Wingrin.

DC-3 80th Anniversary invite flyer image Springbok Classic Air


A great celebratory function organised by Flippe Vermeulen of Springbok Classic Air was held in hangar 5 at Rand Airport on Thursday evening 17 December 2015. Stunning two-ship flypasts with ZS-CAI and ZS-BXF against a backdrop of a brewing Highveld thunderstorm. Superb cuisine and music. Karl Jensen at his best as MC. Informative and entertaining pictorial slide show was shown with commentary by Flippie. There were many familiar DC-3 crew, young and old were dressed up in Gatsby/Al Capone outfits.


Thanks to Springbok Classic Air and Skyclass Aviation.


It was a wonderful evening and tribute to that grand dame of the air.

For the record, on 17 December 2015, there was a total of six DC-3/C-47 aircraft based at Rand Airport.


ZS-BXF (Took part in the celebratory flypast/event)
ZS-CAI (Took part in the celebratory flypast/event)
ZS-CRV (Did not attend the event)
ZS-DIW (Did not attend the event)
ZS-KEX (Awaiting restoration – served as a backdrop for the function)
ZS-PAA (Awaiting restoration)



DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Rand Airport South Africa 01 DSC 5432ZS-BXF and ZS-CAI outside Springbok Classic Air’s hangar 5 at Rand.

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ZS-BXF, “Klapperkop”.

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ZS-CAI, affectionately known as “Charlie”.

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Guests in Gatsby and Al Capone kit!

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Flippie Vermeulen.

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Petro Swanepoel, Flippie’s daughter.

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ZS-CAI – with lightning!

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Colleen Austin-Williams.

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The venue, hangar 5 at Rand Airport. ZS-KEX, a genuine DC-3, not a C-47, in the background.

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Karl Jensen, always lively and full of humour!

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Captain Flippie Vermeulen.

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Flippie entertaining the guests with historical details of the DC-3.

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Charmaine Stableford.

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Vlooi and Flippie Vermeulen.

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Ben Vermeulen.

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Singer and entertainer David Black.

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Robbie Botes, Ronéll Myburgh and the Beech 18 ZS-OIJ.

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Brian Stableford and Karl Jensen.

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Digby and Melanie Sherwood.

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Colleen and John Austin-Williams.

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Cyril Kemp and Anne Henderson.

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Joppie and Sue Nieman.

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Peter Labuschagne and Joyce Moletsane.

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Sue Nieman, Karl Jensen, Viv Burnett, Joppie Nieman, Charmaine Stableford, Brian Stableford, Don Burnett, Vlooi Vermeulen, Flippie Vermeulen.

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-00 Invitation

SAAF to Celebrate 80 Years of Dakota Excellence

Introduction by Dean Wingrin.

The South African Air Force’s (SAAF’s) 35 Squadron is to celebrate 80 years of Dakota Excellence by hosting a formal banquet inside their hangar at AFB Ysterplaat on 5 December 2015.

Known by such names as the Dakota, Dak, Gooney Bird, TurboDak and even Vomit Comet, 2015 commemorates the 80th anniversary of the first flight of the venerable Douglas DC-3 / C-47 forbearer, the Douglas Sleeper Transport (DST) passenger airliner which evolved into the 21-seater DC-3, on 17 December 1935.

Displaying a huge amount of affection for the “grand old lady” of the skies, 35 Squadron took it upon themselves to commemorate this auspicious occasion. Major Andre Vollenhoven of 35 Squadron says that the banquet will celebrate the importance of the Dakota.

Vollenhoven revealed that guests will be treated to static exhibits of the SAAF Museums’ classic C-47 Dakota and a current 35 Squadron C-47TP TurboDak, plus a C-47TP will perform a flypast. This will be followed by a four-course banquet whilst guests are entertained by a comedian. Items of interest to Dakota enthusiasts will also be auctioned.

“For those people attending, it will be a night to remember,” Lt Col Donavan Chetty, Officer Commanding 35 Squadron, enthused.

According to The Dakota Association of South Africa, the DC-3, as the DST was to become known, was the first commercial transport aircraft capable of making a profit from carrying passengers only. Most aeroplanes of its vintage were being subsidised by the carriage of mail and freight, whilst air-travel was only for the daring and the affluent.

With the war clouds of World War Two looming on the horizon, the civilian DC-3 was developed into the military C-47 Dakota, powered by two Pratt and Whitney radial engines, with an enlarged cargo door and strengthened fuselage. Along with the Jeep and the Bazooka, General Patton announced it to be one of the major contributors to the victory in the Second World War.

The C-47 was capable of transporting 10,000 lbs (4 536 kg) of cargo or 27 passengers in permanent seats or configured for 28 paratroopers. By the time the last Dakota left the assembly line in 1946, a total of 10 655 DC-3, C-47 and associated variants has been produced.

The Dakota has seen over 72 years of military service in South Africa. The aircraft entered SAAF service in 1943 when the RAF passed a number of their fleet onto the SAAF. By the end of World War Two, a total of 84 Lend-Lease Dakotas had been transferred to the SAAF.

At the cessation of hostilities in 1945, a large number of surplus Dakotas were disposed of, including transferring some to South African Airways. The survivors of the SAA fleet later found their way back to the SAAF in 1971.

When sanctions were imposed on South Africa in the mid-70s, a number of Dakotas were purchased from various sources to supplement those still in SAAF service. In total 16 were added to the SAAF strength. At one stage, the SAAF had the distinction of operating the largest remaining fleet of Dakotas in the world.

The Dakota performed yeoman service during the Border War from the 1960s through to the end of hostilities in 1988, performing such roles as troop transport, resupply, medical evacuation, paratrooping and other ancillary activities. Her toughness stood her in good stead.

During one particular mission near the South West African/Angolan border on 1 May 1986, a Dakota of 44 Squadron, commanded by Captain Colin Green, was hit by a SAM-7 surface-to-air missile while transporting high-ranking officials. The missile strike resulted in the loss of most of the rudder and a large proportion of the elevators. The pilot managed to keep the aircraft in the air and on course to AFB Ondangwa, where it was landed safely with no injuries to its crew or passengers.

Following the end of the Border War, the number of squadrons operating the Dakota was reduced, along with the disposal of airframes.

The early 1990s saw a large number of Dakotas upgraded to “TurboDak” configuration under Project Felstone. This conversion involved replacing the piston engines of the classic Dakota with two Pratt and Whitney PT6A 65R turboprop engines, lengthening of the fuselage and the installation of modern avionics. Thereafter, the aircraft were re-designated as the C-47TP TurboDak. Between 1989 and 1994, twelve aircraft were converted to C-47TP standard.

35 Squadron has been associated with the Dakota since 1985, when several C-47s were acquired to replace the recently retired Avro Shackleton MR3 in the maritime surveillance role.

When 25 and 27 Squadrons were amalgamated with 35 Squadron on 31 December 1990, additional Dakotas were utilised for air transport, leaving the Squadron responsible for both the Maritime and Transport roles. The classic piston-engined workhorses were finally withdrawn in September 1994 and replaced with the modified turbine engine C47TP Dakota.

Apart from the Squadron’s maritime role and transport role (consisting of paratrooping, target towing, scheduled passenger services, aero medical evacuation and logistical support), the Squadron also performs other support functions. These include electronic intelligent gathering, tactical image (photo) reconnaissance and numerous training functions, such as navigator and telecommunication operator training.

As a result of rationalisation that has taken place over the last few years, only eight C-47TPs remain in SAAF service, where they serve with 35 Squadron in Cape Town in a variety of roles. The variants operated are: five maritime surveillance configured aircraft, two in transport configuration and one as an Electronic Warfare platform.

Thus, 35 Squadron continues as the only squadron in the world still utilising the DC-3 / C-47 Dakota in the military role.

The banquet will be held on Saturday, 5 December 2015 at 17h30 for 18h00 at AFB Ysterplaat, Cape Town. Whilst tickets for the 80 Years of Dakota Excellence banquet are selling out quickly, there is still time for Dakota enthusiasts to attend the event as the closing date has been extended to Friday, 27 November. Tickets are R300 per person. Please contact Maj. Andre Vollenhoven (0798845742 / 0215086308 or andrevollenhoven@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) for further details.

DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-00a DC-3 C-47 since 1935 logo

Function report by Dean Wingrin


What a fantastic evening!

Welcome cocktail and snacks, Dakota performed a sundown display, excellent five-course meal, comedian, lots of Dak history and stories, camaraderie and many songs, including a specially written Happy Birthday Dak song! All under the watchful eyes of the SAAF Museum C-47 Dakota and 35 squadron C-47TP TurboDak.

Due respect was also paid to the crew and pax of Dakota 6840 which crashed in the Drakensberg exactly three years previously.

Well done 35 Squadron!

DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-01 SAAF 6839 MG 1101

DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-02 MG 1103

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-03 SAAF 6814 MG 1105

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-04 SAAF 6832 MG 1109

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-05 SAAF 6814 MG 1113

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-06 SAAF 6832 MG 1123

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-07 SAAF 6839 MG 1130

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 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-09 SAAF 6825 IM2 5375

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-10 SAAF 6885 IM2 5388

DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-11 MG 1138

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-12 SAAF 6825 MG 1142

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 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-14 MG 1152

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-16 SAAF 6825 IM2 5468

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-17 MG 1154

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 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-19 SAAF 6825 MG 1156

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-20 SAAF 6825 IM2 5550

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-21 SAAF 6825 MG 1164

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-22 SAAF 6839 IM2 5565

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-23 SAAF 6825 IM2 5571

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-24 SAAF 6825 IM2 5586

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-25 MG 1180

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-26 IM2 5567

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-27 MG 1193

 DC-3 C-47 Dakota 80th Anniversary Ysterplaat-28 SAAF 6885





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