Douglas DC-3 and C-47 Films Videos and DVDs
A variety of Douglas DC-3 and C-47 Dakota films, videos and DVDs are available from THE AVIATION SHOP
Honey Crest Shopping Centre Corner of Beyers Naude Drive and Duiker Avenue Randpark Ridge Randburg Gauteng
Karel Zaayman
Tel: 011 795-3270 Fax: 011 795-3505
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Below is a list of some of the Douglas DC-3 and C-47 videos availabe from The Aviation Shop
Black Eagle Aviation Series
Product code: SADVD13
Produced by: Black Eagle Projects
Available from: The Aviation Shop
A new film on the legendary Aircraft the Dakota has been launched in the UK. From the Black Eagle Aviation series, directed by Andrew Schofield comes Dakota, the film starts at the beginning when Donald Douglas and his team designed the DC-1 and upgraded the design two more times to become what we call to this day the DC-3 Dakota (the Americans call her the C-47) and she has probably got more nicknames than any other aircraft made from the complimentary to the derogatory like the Vomit Comet and Gooney Bird.
A lot of the footage and interviews were done in South Africa and a whole sequence was filmed here in England on the Dakotas that were used during the 2nd world war and the Berlin airlift.
She flew for the 1st time on the 17th of December 1935 and is still doing operational service in South Africa albeit with a new engine system. The film covers the history of the aircraft through the II World War right through the Vietnam era to today.
This film is a must for the enthusiast.
This is the story of an aeroplane that changed the face of aviation forever, Christened as the Douglas Sleeper Transport and known as the DC-3
Over the years she got more nicknames than any other aircraft, some called her the C-47 some called her the Skytrain others the Gooney, Old Methuselah; The Placid Plodder; Dizzy Three; Old Bucket Seats; Duck; Dak; Dakleton; Vomit Comet (Nickname used by US Army paratroops during the Normandy invasion.) but she was called the Dakota by the British armed forces and is still to this day fondly known as the DAK.
13.650 Daks were built 800 as commercial aircraft and the balance as military versions. Licensing agreements to produce DC-3s outside the US had been granted to, Mitsui Busson in Japan and the Amtorg Trading Company in Russia. Some were still in service with the Russian Air Force in the 1990s.
2930 were manufactured in the USSR and 485 in Japan The Fokker company in Holland assembled and serviced Douglas built aircraft. The first military derivative of the DC-3 was a single C41 delivered to the US Army Corps in October 1938 for use as a staff transport. With the beginning of war production, military derivatives of the DC-3 were designated C-47 in the USAAC.
In the 21st Century
Douglas DC-3
DVD format
70 minutes
Product code W024
Produced by Avion Video
Available from: The Aviation Shop
December 1935 saw the first flight of an aircraft that has since outlived all expectations. Over 10,000 examples of the Douglas DC-3/C-47 were built from 1936 to 1946, with many of the C-47 military variants being converted to passenger configuration after World War Two.
Dozens of DC-3s are still flying today in many countries around the world on scheduled services, charter operations, hauling freight and in private collections. This superb DVD documentary provides an interesting and colourful study of the Douglas DC-3 in the 21st Century.
Take a trip back to Santa Monica, California in 1935, and view the origins of the DC-3. You'll see archive footage of DC-3 manufacture, and some marvellous scenes of DC-3s in early airline service in America. Now, forward to the 21st Century, and unique footage of the aircraft undergoing a major inspection and overhaul programme. See 'under the skin' and view only what the engineers get to see. The wings and tail are off, fuel tanks out, the interior is stripped, and skilled craftsmen work for hundreds of hours to inspect and refurbish the aircraft to flying status again.
There's a close-up look at the DC-3's Pratt & Whitney R-1830 radial engines: cylinders, pistons, crankcase.... This film will thrill you with exclusive stunning close-ups of engine starts, taxiing, take-offs, landings, and all the sights and sounds of the Douglas DC-3. Hear the roar of 2400 Pratt & Whitney horses with full power engine run-ups! Join the pilots of the Pionair DC-3 for a short cockpit flight and see what happens on the flightdeck of this classic propliner.
The 21st Century 'Stars' of this film are DC-3 ZK-AMS of Pionair Adventures and DC-3 ZK-AWP 'Kaitaia' in New Zealand National Airways Corporation 1960s livery, reminiscent of air travel from a bygone era. This top quality DVD will delight the aviation enthusiast, historian and the technically minded.
A great gift idea for the aviation enthusiast, a superb memento for anyone who has flown on a DC-3, and a tribute to one of the greatest aircraft ever built.

"The most famous aeroplane of them all"
Produced by Demand Media
Product code: DEMDVD197
Available from: The Aviation Shop
HISTORY OF AVIATION is a fascinating documentary series exploring classic aviation technology and airplane manufacturer, as well as more modern innovations. This release looks at the Dakota, an American fixed-wing, propeller-driven aircraft.
It was the Dakota which saved flight lieutenant Jimmy Edwards' life when he was shot down over Arnhem; it was the Dakota which took troops to D-Day, dropped vital supplies in Burma and helped the allies re-take the Pacific.
Of course the Dakota was not designed for war; in fact the Douglas DC-3 was a passenger plane, which has carried in excess of one hundred million people in an illustrious history that began back in 1935.
With the use of archive footage, expert commentary, fond memories, affectionate anecdotes and fascinating interviews with Arthur Raymond, The Dakota's chief designer, Jimmy Edwards DFC, who was saved by a Dakota during the war, and Gwen Foy, a former stewardess, History of Aviation - The Dakota provides an informative and nostalgic look back at this much loved aircraft.

A living Legend The DC-3
Produced by Highball Productions
Join us for a look at the legendary DC-3, now in service for over 50 years! Meet the people who maintain them and keep them running, meet the pilots who fly them. Enjoy interviews, take part in the walkround, see engine start-ups, taxying, takeoffs and landings, and fly in the cockpit. We spent time with Dreamflight, who do pilot and first officer training with the famous "Rose", and Catalina Flying Boats who carry freight to and from Catalina Island from Long Beach. Some Awesome DC-3 action, live the legend!
75 minutes

Airline profile Series Volume 22
American Airlines Douglas DC-3 Visit to Vancouver, BC
Vancouver British Columbia
Produced by Henry Tenby
On September 14, 2007, the Flagship Detroit Foundation's lovingly restored American Airlines DC-3 NC17334 made a first-time visit to Vancouver International Airport as part of an America Airlines sponsored tour of their west coast stations.
NC17334 was delivered new to American Airlines in March, 1937. In 1947, it was sold to the Bank of Mexico, and a string of owners followed until it was restored by the Foundation in 2005. With 45,000 hours to her credit, NC17334 will fly for many more years!
This pristine DC-3 operated two pleasure flights up the scenic BC coast via Howe Sound, which culminated in a flypast over North Vancouver, the city center, and the airport.
Airline videographer Henry Tenby captured this amazing visit on video, and this DVD presents spectacular footage from the flight-deck, cabin and exterior. We're in the cockpit for both landing and take-off, and the exterior views of the engines sputtering to life as well as views of taxi, take-off and landing make this a must-have DVD for hard-core propliner fans!

DC-3 in the Caribbean
Produced by Just Planes
Take one day and follow the exploits of the world's most famous aircraft as four star cargo hops between San Juan, St Thomas, and St. Croix. From pre-dawn, to mid-afternoon, the DC-3 and it's crew load, transport, and deliver their cargo through the Caribbean. 45 minutes
© 1995

Douglas DC-3 C-47 Volume 1
Produced by APVW
Join us on board of many DC-3s. See the DC-3 and C-47 in action worldwide. Relax and listen to the sound of the radial engines.
You can see the DC-3 Dakota in Colombia, Canada, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Europe and the USA.
Aliansa, Air Colombia, Sadelca, Buffalo, Four Star, Florida Air Cargo, ERA, Rutaca, Aerejecutivos, Servivensa. Just a few names of the airlines you can see on these two magnificent tapes
Volume 1:
HK-2820 Aliansa Colombia, HK-3037 Aliansa Colombia (Flight to Mira Flores), HK-3293 Air Colombia, HK-2463 Aerovanguardia, HK-3349 Viarco, HK-3286 Sadelca, HK 1514 Sadelca, HK-2494 Sadelca, C-FLFR Buffalo Airways, C-GWIR Buffalo Airways (Flight to Hay River), N15MA Florida Aircargo, N123DZ Florida Aircargo, N54AA Allied Air Freight.
A tribute to the finest propliner ever built. Never seen before, so many DC-3s on two 1 hour videos!

Douglas DC-3 C-47 Volume 2
Produced by APVW
Volume 2:
G-AMHJ, G-AMPZ, G-ANAF, G-AMRA, G-AMPO, G-AMYJ, G-AMCA, G-AMSV Air Atlantique, G-DAKK South Coast, YV147C, YV609C Servivensa, YV440C Aeroejecutivos, N403JB Catalina Flying Boats, N777YA Woods Air service, N133RD, N6533, N87T, N1944M, N1944H ERA, N135FS, N136FS Four Star, LN-WND Dakota Norway, OH-LCH Air Vetaran, SE-CFP Flygande Veteraner and other DC-3s.

International Seaplane fly-in Moosehead Lake Greenville Maine best of 2002 and 2003
Produced By Scruffyy Productions
Moosehead lake +45° 27' 38.40", -69° 35' 58.37"
Featuring DC-3 Amphibian C-53-DO N130Q c/n 11761
This item is a DVD disk of the 2002 and 2003 Greenville Seaplane Fly-In, the world’s oldest and largest seaplane fly-in held each fall on beautiful Moosehead Lake in Greenville, Maine. This video features the people, planes and events of this annual gathering of seaplane enthusiasts from all over the world.
Of particular interest are the many clips of the Douglas DC-3 amphib, the largest and last DC-3 on floats made especially for this aircraft.
Other featured aircraft include: de Havilland Beaver, de Havilland Turbine Beaver, Maule Rocket, Seabee, Super Seabee, Twinbee, Lake Buccaneer, Lake Renegade, Piper PA-11 Cub Special, Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser, Piper PA-18 Supercub, Cessna L-19 Birddog, Cessna 140, 180, 182 Skylane, Citabria 7GCBC, 172 Skyhawk, Hawk XP, 185 Skywagon, 195, 206 Stationair, Grumman Goose, Grumman Albatross, Grumman Super Widgeon, Found Bush Hawk, Taylor Craft, Aeronca Champ, home builts, ultra lights and many, many more aircraft.
See various floatplanes and flying boats taking off and landing as well as competing in contests and races, demonstrations, exhibits, fly bys and going up and down the Stobie Seaplane Base Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Ramp managed by the local Civil Air Patrol squad.
With musical background, there are numerous clips of spectators, participants and pilots enjoying this 3 day event.
This DVD comes in an attractive case with pictures from the video. Each case is securely packed to protect your new aviation collectible. Thank you for your interest in our aviation products.

Flying the Legendary DC-3
Produced by Classic Cockpits
Made in 2004
This Douglas DC3 DVD puts you into the cockpit of one of the world’s best-known, best-loved aircraft….the legendary DC-3
You’re about to fly in the first “real” airliner…the Douglas DC-3. It was fast (for its time), reliable, safe, and most importantly, the first passenger carrying aircraft that could make a profit.
It’s a bit of an effort to get there: you walk up a sloping floor (the DC-3 is a tail dragger, remember) pass through a short, narrow passage, with freight storage on one side, galley on the other, and settle into the left-hand seat.
To your left, the reassuring presence of a Pratt and Whitney 1830 radial engine, and a big black propeller. Ultra reliable, powerful, easy to handle once you know how, even if it does throw a bit of oil. There’s another one on the starboard side. As long as they both keep going, the DC-3 is quite easy to fly. If one fails, particularly on take-off, you know she can be a bit of a handful (or rather, a boot full!) until you get her sorted out. She’ll test you in a crosswind landing, too.
The instrument panel, with its round dials, looks antiquated today. But back in 1932, the artificial horizon was state-of-the-art technology. It made scheduled airline flight possible, even in bad weather, and the DC-3’s automatic pilot helped reduce pilot fatigue.
You’ll be in good company on this flight. Captain Jack Curtis is a 22,000 hour airline veteran, 7,000 of those hours in the left-hand seat of a DC-3. Chris Lin is at the beginning of his career: this is his first day as First Officer on a DC-3.
You’ll join them as they operate a charter flight for Dakota National Air, out of Bankstown Airport, Sydney, Australia, to Mudgee, about an hour away, and return.
This is an important documentary, because it faithfully records the way this venerable old airliner is flown….has been flown, by thousands of airline pilots, between thousands of destinations, over thousands of miles and thousands of hours, over the years.
The DC-3 stands out like a beacon in aviation history.
DVD American Airlines Douglas DC-3 Visit to Vancouver BC (2)