The Dakota Association of South Africa
Your Site Slogan
SAA Museum Society
Main Menu
History of DASA
Objectives of DASA
Constitution of DASA
Dakota Association Monthly Meeting
First DC-3 in South Africa
Dakota Lodge
DC-3 Stories
DC-3 50th Anniversary flypast
DC-3 60th Anniversary
DC-3 75th Anniversary
DC-3 75th Anniversary Book
DC-3 80th Anniversary
African Pilot Magazine
Dakota Roadhouse
Contact Us
DC-3 Updates News around the World
The Dakota DC-3
DC-3 Unidentified photos
DC-3 A brief introduction
DC-3 Individual Aircraft History
C/N 1322
C/N 1332
C/N 1498
C/N 1984
C/N 1994
C/N 2008
C/N 2119
C/N 2205
C/N 4363
C/N 4890
C/N 6154
C/N 6223
C/N 6341
C/N 9131
C/N 9452
C/N 9492
C/N 9581
C/N 9628
C/N 9766
C/N 9836
C/N 9877
C/N 9948
C/N 12166
C/N 10110
C/N 10146
C/N 11746
C/N 11925
C/N 11926
C/N 11979
C/N 11986
C/N 11989
C/N 11990
C/N 11991
C/N 12016
C/N 12026
C/N 12049
C/N 12064
C/N 12066
C/N 12073
C/N 12090
C/N 12107
C/N 12112
C/N 12115
C/N 12160
C/N 12161
C/N 12205
C/N 12413
C/N 12414
C/N 12415
C/N 12445
C/N 12478
C/N 12486
C/N 12580
C/N 12582
C/N 12586
C/N 12587
C/N 12590
C/N 12596
C/N 12704
C/N 13143
C/N 13164
C/N 13331
C/N 13468
C/N 13539
C/N 13540
C/N 13541
C/N 19484
C/N 19536
C/N 20175
C/N 20475
C/N 25311
C/N 25546
C/N 25609
C/N 25610
C/N 25802
C/N 25928
C/N 25940
C/N 26087
C/N 26114
C/N 26244
C/N 26437
C/N 26438
C/N 26439
C/N 27000
C/N 27002
C/N 27047
C/N 27099
C/N 27199
C/N 32635
C/N 32644
C/N 32651
C/N 32656
C/N 32825
C/N 32844
C/N 32935
C/N 32937
C/N 32948
C/N 32897
C/N 32961
C/N 33024
C/N 33083
C/N 33134
C/N 33211
C/N 33257
C/N 33313
C/N 33373
C/N 33375
C/N 33408
C/N 33478
C/N 33552
C/N 33581
C/N 34225
C/N 42963
C/N 42969
C/N 42978
DC-3 quick reference list
DC-3 Also known as
DC-3 South African operators
DC-3 In Africa
DC-3 in Africa Google Earth
DC-3 Photographs
Related Information
The Aviation Shop
DC-3 C-47 Aerophilately
DC-3 C-47 Art
DC-3 C-47 Books
DC-3 C-47 Engines
DC-3 C-47 Films Videos DVDs
DC-3 C-47 Memorabilia
DC-3 C-47 Models
DC-3 C-47 Models Plastic Kits
DC-3 C-47 Models Die-cast
DC-3 C-47 Models Decals
DC-3 C-47 Virtual Aviation
SAAF Museum
SAA Museum Society
DC-3 Dakota Historical Society
DC-3 Dodson DC3 TD-65
DC-3 Census in South Africa
DC-3 Discussion Forum
DC-3 Related links
DC-3 Gooney Bird Song
DC-3 BSAS DC-3/C-47 TP
DC-3 Basler Turbo-67
Johannesburg Light Plane Cub
Douglas DC-3 Dakota Association USA
The South African Airways Museum Society
The SAA Museum Society collects and preserves the history of Civil Aviation in South Africa.
Amongst their collection of aircraft is an airworthy Douglas DC-3 ZS-BXF
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